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SYML – The War

SYML – The War
From the “In my Body” EP

Firstly, it’s pronounced “simmel”. Secondly, you’ll be hard-pressed to find music more heartfelt than this. Give it time, this one builds, and builds, and builds. I promise there’s a payoff near the end. It delivers.

If Brian’s voice is familiar, that’s because he was featured in music previously posted on this blog: Barcelona – Get Up. Yep, he was a member of Barcelona.

For a glimpse into the artist’s mind, here’s a particularly interesting quote:

I had to bleed and really be upset with myself to understand fully how to learn something like music. It all collided at the same time and I really latched onto writing songs at that point. You need to let go of being perfect or being the best. As soon as you accept failing at something and can give yourself up in a personal way to the music, then you can finally be light enough to reach your potential. – Brian Fennell

Once you’re done listening to the song, go watch the video. There’s raw power in this song, and the video does a fair job of extracting the last drop of emotion out of it.

His music is so powerful.

From the double EP: The Hurt EPs