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Thom Yorke (of Radiohead)
“Fog (again) (live)”

I love Thom Yorke. I love him for music like this. For all the songs like this he has created, and for the way he delivers a melody. There’s something so real conveyed when he sings, and I love how his songs usually have a “shape” to them. They start quiet, build build BUILD, and then fall off again. This short number is part of a b-sides album of rare gems, originally released in 2004 as a Japan-only compilation album.

Remember when all songs were this short? They left you wanting more, just like this one does. If you just hit play for the 5th time, go buy the album. Thanks for listening.

From the Album: Com Lag (2Plus2IsFive)

Grace Kelly
“Trying to Figure It Out”

Once upon a time, I was a saxophonist. Never anywhere near approaching the skill level of Grace Kelly, mind you. She’s amazing.
She plays the sax like it was her first language, she sings beautifully, and writes her own music. This is one of her songs off of her new album “GO TiME”. You can buy it here.


if for some reason the video link at youtube is broken, I’ve provided a backup here